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2 Responses to 以后,我会享受

  1. Tan Kien Boon says:

    One of the main good reason to join a competition is you actually begin to see yourself more and further and dancing back and forth during that period. Its a hype of expectations and let-down to all sort of emotions ; which I find so much to gain from throughout the period as a child begin to be curious and look explore further. Unless you decided to throw the towel then that is another story. But I believe you wants to go further.

    I often find your writing very much a total reflections of your thought and also the pattern of writing is quite identical to your speech as well. Perhaps it time to take a bolder step.. swarm in further into the thoughts of an astronaut.. a car racer.. an angry mob.. widen up the sphere of empathy in thoughts. The rigidity pattern will eventually find a new paradigm.

    Just that little curiosity further once a day… how does an Islamic scholar think instead of asking why he thought as such.. or perhaps for once you go drive 140km/h and feel the love.

    Have fun!

  2. taisiawshan says:

    To widen my perspective and to explore and expand further of my imagination is always the most important aim of my writing. My blog posts serve as practices of my writing skills, and are mostly my thoughts and daily emotions. Only in short stories I will tell stories of different characters.
    Thank you very much of your kind concern and your sincere advice.

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